Pulp Cap

What is a pulp cap?

Pulp capping is a type of endodontic treatment, often referred to as an alternative to root canal treatment. A pulp cap in Whitehall, Montana is a type of protective material, usually made from calcium hydroxide, that is used to protect exposed dental pulp when a cavity is being filled or to prevent moderate tooth decay from infecting dental pulp and damaging tooth nerves. Our skilled dentist will be able to determine if a pulp cap is the right option for your smile.

There are two main types of pulp caps, direct and indirect. Direct pulp caps are applied right on top of exposed dental pulp. Indirect pulp caps are placed on a small layer of dentin. To apply a pulp cap, Dr. Dennis Sacry will first completely wash and dry the tooth. Then, the protective material is placed over the exposed dental pulp and sealed with a dental restoration, such as a filling or dental crown. For an indirect pulp cap, the same method is used, but is temporary. After a determined amount of time has passed, the filling will be removed to see if the dentin has re-grown and the pulp cap is no longer necessary to protect the dental pulp. If so, the pulp cap is removed and a permanent filling or dental restoration is put into place. For more information about pulp caps, we encourage you to contact our dental office today.

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Pulp Cap Dentist Whitehall Montana Dennis Sacry Dental