General & Family Dentistry

What is general and family dentistry?

At the dental office of Dennis K. Sacry, DDS, PC, we are dedicated to helping you achieve and maintain a healthy, attractive smile. General and family dentistry includes the preventive and restorative dental treatments that help us to keep your smile in the best of health. We are committed to preventing dental problems and treating any existing conditions to ensure that your smile stays in optimal health, function, and beauty. Dr. Dennis Sacry, our experienced dentist, is skilled a broad range of general dental services to help you care for your smile.

Do I really need to go to the dentist every six months?

Yes, you should visit our dental office every six months for a regular dental cleaning and exam. During these visits, we will check for any dental problems that require treatment. We also encourage you to visit us if you experience a dental emergency or if you notice any of the following symptoms:

  • Tooth pain or a persistent toothache
  • Red, tender gums
  • Swollen gums that bleed easily
  • A loose tooth
  • A chipped or broken tooth
We are pleased to provide comprehensive general and family dentistry in Whitehall, Montana to meet all of your family’s dental needs. We invite you to contact us today to learn more and to schedule your visit!

Composite (white) Fillings
Composites Dentist Whitehall Montana Dennis Sacry Dental

Dental Cleanings & Exams
Teeth Cleanings Dentist Whitehall Montana Dennis Sacry Dental
Dental X-Rays
Dental X Rays Dentist Whitehall Montana Dennis Sacry Dental
Dentures & Partials
Dentures Dentist Whitehall Montana Dennis Sacry Dental

Emergency Dental Care
Emergency Teeth Dentist Whitehall Montana Dennis Sacry Dental
Flouride Treatment
Flouride Treatment Dentist Whitehall Montana Dennis Sacry Dental
Periodontal Treatment
Periodontal Dentist Whitehall Montana Dennis Sacry Dental

Root Canal Therapy
Root Canal Dentist Whitehall Montana Dennis Sacry Dental

Tooth Extractions
Tooth Extraction Dentist Whitehall Montana Dennis Sacry Dental